Paulacristina Conceicao
Paulacristina Conceicao Anjo ou Demônio Es anjo ou demônio! Quando desaparece Na nevoa do tempo Nas noites de reclusão Quando abrando a...

Slavka Božović
Slavka Božović Pen Might . . . If I stopped writing, I would betray my soul, the ink would dry out and I would not smell the pencil. The...

Harish Pradhan
Harish Pradhan Dear friends, Sharing a poem My city of joy This is my city of joy The city of golden sunshine The city of rolling hills...

DrNikhat Bano
DrNikhat Bano A GLANCE SAYS ALL Glowing as a lamp I saw a lone onlooker, adorned with the flares of sun - one Gloria; Unleashing a...

Pedro Licona
Pedro Licona EL ULULAR DE LAS SIRENAS El sonido rompe el aire como flor de loto Arruga los sentidos Entorpece el aliento. Cae la capa de...

Annie Johnson
Annie Johnson Sonnet Thirty-seven Your smile hangs like a shadow in the air Where you were standing a moment ago. Your energy is still...

Yazda Ashrafi
Yazda Ashrafi Orphan Child O mother of mine I your doll you my angel, I remember we play hide and seek our favorite game where you...

Flori Gomboș
Flori Gomboș EȘEC de câte ori mergi pe calea prafului, copacii își coboară ramurile și respiră regretul drumului înapoi, greu și...

Professor Jamila Benabou
Professor Jamila Benabou Doctor Abdeljabbar Choukri - Poem : "Secrets of Ego" written by Doctor Abdeljabbar Choukri. psychologist...

Djurica Edelinski
Djurica Edelinski CONFUSED THOUGHTS A lie celebrates deception In a confused head, Quadrature of wisdom In a circle of nonsense. In...