TỐNG THU NGÂN Tống Thu Ngân (MIMOSA TÍM) ________________ TTN 669 AI ĐEM SEN XUỐNG PHA HỒN LẠNH #ngungontinhvietnam_tongthungan Ai...

Slavka Božović
Slavka Božović If I stopped writing. . . If I stopped writing, from the heart I would stumble I would have a hard time breathing, And I...

Harish Pradhan
Harish Pradhan It hurts It is all colourful The lush green hills The swaying Meadows The silver streams The wild flowers The heart is...

Jamila Ben
Jamila Ben Poet : Dr. Abdeljabbar Choukri psychologist, sociologist,novelists poet. Translator: Pr Jamila Ben professor of English...

Vildana Stanišić
Vildana Stanišić WHERE ARE YOU NOW My breasts came like rivers after rain. In them my heart it beats quieter and quieter. Desire for you...

Slavka Bozovic
Slavka Bozovic My words . . . My words are like birds They scatter letters across the galaxy Thus they enter the heavenly streets Falling...

Autor: Ioan Draga
Autor: Ioan Draga VIBRAȚII SIDERALE.... Mă plimbam în visul meu, Dincolo de limitele mele Și adunam în vasul inimii, Praf de argint și...

Clebio Pessoa
Clebio Pessoa Amantes Los corazones se saludan Para que los pétalos se abran en rosas multicolores. Los manantiales forman cascadas,...

Vildana Stanišić
Vildana Stanišić SILENT SCREAM There was a scream in my throat, and all the words I will never ‘utter’. I know you're the real one,...

Antonia Rodríguez Ferreiro
Antonia Rodríguez Ferreiro MARIPOSAS. Revolotean entre las rosas, impregnandose de su fragancia, aroma que dura en la distancia,...