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Professor Jamila Benabou

Professor Jamila Benabou

Doctor Abdeljabbar Choukri

- Poem : "Secrets of Ego" written by Doctor Abdeljabbar Choukri. psychologist ,Sociologist, novelist ,and poet.

_ Translated by Professor Jamila Benabou.Professor of English Literature at faculty of literature ain chok inivetsty Hassan II

Poem = Secrets of Ego

Hey.. Human Ego… In your ontology…. You !!! Appear… In a world of things…. and assets… With double… face… One deep face, drowned in the bottom of pits… Covered with cement and iron clothes… And outer face dwells outside your essence… Exposed in… a transparent attire … Within a world of things… and assets…

Hey... « Ego… » Your deep face… Gets away from exposure… and disclosure… His principle…is disappearance. And atrophy… External hoes seek… To dig in his depth… And the core of the ego repels it… Declaring his shutting off in his talisman… And mercurian… puzzle… Blurs… all knowledge… Comes to the end of the road… At the end of every road…to pave another road… With riddles … and secrets… And black talisman… Hey deep … Ego… You hide every ray of light… And you obfuscate… with blackness… Every source of light… And you bridle every operative. Your means… are beneath eternity… Stubborn mechanism…mechanism of… Resistance… elusion… and evasion… You utter with what your being uncover… You take… another look… You dig in…existence… Another way…another… You enclose with metaphors … Allegories… And rhetoric operative… You hide with it reality of speeches… And sayings… Reality of actions and acting… In the depth of your ontology…you « Ego »… You reveal the subconscious… You make you dwell in his twisted corridors… You make you lose your conscious and knowledge… Stranger to you.. .your enemy… Make you drown… in endless troubles… Hey you deep and inspiring Ego… You lie on yourself… With deluding discharges…your crisis and your conflicts… In satiating…water it from me… Don’t enrich… or fatten from hunger… To contain you…your repressed subconscious… Suppressed… sinter desires… And your suppressed attacking agression… In remuniative life…extension…regression… You lose your rational balance… Between Eros and Thanatos… Nothing is left in front of you…You « Ego »… Than… to ruminate …scenarios… And to ruminate …odds… And to ruminate… half solutions Hey « Ego »… you don’t stand still on anything … You swing in the mazes of existence… You confront…moral conscience with supression and prohibition… Your outside reality… destroy you… with terror and fear… From unknown destiny… you are moaning… With sword of interpretation… you are fighting… And behind… shield of justification you are sitting… Looking for…Hoping…A hope without quixote… To destroy your struggle …and suffering… Not to be seduced by… Clutches of diseases…to make you… lose your balance…reasoning …and sobriety with it… To hold peace…and peacefulness.. . In this world… of existence and existing… You sink in… a sea of depression… You drive… waves of obsession… And hallucinations…and contradictions… You live…within… Contradicting personalities…rivaling… Every one is destroying the other… In emotional sag… forever a killer… Valueless…for values…and ethics… You see a complaint from your opponents… From their agressions… and attacks… You make them responsible… of all your pain …and suffering… You believing …and sinking… in your illusion… Which are…and peacefulness…

Hey,Human « Ego »… You outer face… Exposed… in a transparent attire… He rationalizes…think out with reason… Events…acts… thoughts… And get excited by reactions and actions… And emotional excitment…affection… And behaves with exciting responses. Hey ;human « Ego » !!! You put with illusion… a thick wall… Between inner… and outer face… The outer makes the inner… In the pre-wall… high lands…and mountains… To settle in… beyond… Seas… and waves… Fighting… the roaring waves… Emitted from a hydrophobic sea… Burning…devastating… Inside…outside… Your outerface… Hey … « Ego » !!!... Offers you a taste of existence… Upon hydrophobic volcanoes… Your face drawn you in a world… of inspirations… To the marrow level… In inspiration of happiness… and joy… In moments… and instants… And inspiration… and fear …and terror… In unknown… future… Hey… « Ego » !!! With outer face… Armed with defense mechanism… And mechanism of resistance… Resisting tyranny of subconscience… With his despotism… and repeated foolishness… And his impulsive impulses… Without limits… in inspiration… And dreams…and hopes… Endless… do not stop in front of reality… Choking…injuring…painful… Mechanism of your outer face… Hey ; « Ego »… Breathing mechanism… And reincarnating mechanism… And shifting mechanism… And identifying and autism mechanism… Mechanism… and mechanism…and mechanism… You weave you « Ego » your movement… In daily living ontology… In forms of coexistence… With existence…assets…and things…

Thursday 26/03/2020 Poet Doctor Abdeljabbar Choukri Translated by Professor Jamila Ben

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تصميم : حيدر الحافظ

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