Dedicated to abused women.
John Adnan Karajoli
Dedicated to abused women.
The innocent partner of our life
She is the pretty girl which belong to you as a wife and sister and mother,
Please touch her tenderly always like flower,
Love her with respect as you love your sister and mother,
Kiss her eyes and lips every day
Keep her well and happy as before
Don’t ignore her ever,
Care about her body and soul what ever happening
Always she will be your love boat in the big ocean of your life,
Please keep her in your arms and give her a big hug full of love and flours,
She is giving us after God blessing a new life
So please keep behaving gently to her,
God bless her she is our mother, sister and lover
keep her happy and healthy whatever,
She will be your spring of peace and prosperity
Keep her, take care and love her she will be always the mother of your children and you’re fresh flower!
Thank you ….
John Adnan Karajoli.
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