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Take the Moon and Stars

Annie Johnson

Take the Moon and Stars

Take the full moon; its golden light; Brighter than moonlight are your eyes Shining day and night only for me. Take the sky full of stars, so meaningless When your eyes shower me with starlight. I do not need the fragrance of the roses; Your breath is sweet with fragrance When you lean to kiss my face. Sunlight is meaningless - You are the light of my life. Give me the twilight hours; Your form haunting the shadows In the corners of my existence, Feeding my longing to be near you. Give me the heart-touching darkness Where my dreams run rampant Over the thought of your manliness And the lingering taste of your desire. Give me hungry, aching need for you That burns my being with loving fire And tells me every day - I live for you.

Annie Johnson© All rights reserved. August 12, 2022 Photo from Pixabay


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