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Paulacristina Conceicao

Paulacristina Conceicao

Anjo ou Demônio

Es anjo ou demônio!

Quando desaparece

Na nevoa do tempo

Nas noites de reclusão

Quando abrando a dor

Cesso o querer de desejo

Ressurge revive!do nada

Com rosas com risos e falas

A ofertar seu amor

Seus carinhos e beijos

Seu aroma seu toque

A incendiar-me de novo

Demônio a instigar vontades


Demônio ao eu ter,sonhos eróticos

Na cama vazia ao pensar em você

Demônio,ao conduzir ritual do amor

Com mestria, sendo o professor

Demônio,ao extrair o intenso prazer

Perder os sentidos,contigo desfalecer

Demônio quando despudorada

Vejo em loucuras profanas,herege

Anjo ao acalmar meu corpo sedento

Anjo ao saciar minha boca faminta

Anjo ao ancorar minha alma vagante

Anjo ao sessar uma viagem sem fim

Anjo ao acolher-me em seus braços

Com enlevo ternura amorosidade

Admitindo,nossa afinidade e amor.


Ángel o demonio

¡Eres un ángel o un demonio!

Cuando desaparece

En la niebla del tiempo

En noches apartadas

Al abrir el dolor

Dejo de desear

¡Resucita, revive! De la nada

Con rosas con risas y líneas

Ofreciendo tu amor

Tus caricias y besos

Tu aroma, tu toque

En llamas de nuevo

Demonio instigando voluntades

Ardiente, lujurioso, libidinoso

Diablo cuando tengo sueños eróticos

En la cama vacía al pensar en ti

Demon, mientras realiza un ritual de amor.

Con maestría, ser el maestro

Demonio, extrayendo el placer intenso

Perdiendo mis sentidos, contigo desmayándote

Demonio cuando es desvergonzado

Veo en locura profana hereje

Ángel calmando mi cuerpo sediento

Ángel para saciar mi boca hambrienta

Ángel anclando mi alma errante

Ángel al final de un viaje sin fin

Ángel dándome la bienvenida en tus brazos

Con éxtasis, ternura, hermosura

Admitiendo, nuestra afinidad y amor.

Angel or demon You're an angel or a demon! When it disappears In the fog of time On secluded nights When opening the pain I cease to desire Resurrect revives! Out of nowhere With roses with laughter and lines Offering your love Your caresses and kisses Your scent your touch On fire again Demon instigating wills Fiery, lustful, libidinous Devil when I have, erotic dreams In the empty bed when thinking about you Demon, while conducting love ritual With mastery, being the teacher Demon, by extracting the intense pleasure Losing your senses, with you fainting Demon when shameless I see in profane madness, heretic Angel calming my thirsty body Angel to quench my hungry mouth Angel anchoring my wandering soul Angel at the end of an endless journey Angel welcoming me into your arms With rapture, tenderness, loveliness Admitting, our affinity and love. Traducion Angel the devil You are the angel or the devil! When it disappears At the time of the day In separate nights Open the pain I want to desear Resucita, revive! You're welcome With roses with lines and laughter I love you Your caresses and besos You smell, you touch In new clouds Demon instigating volunteers Ardiente, lujurioso, libidinoso Diablo when I have erotic faces In the bed I would think about you Demon, you perform a love ritual. With mastery, be the teacher Demon, extruding the intense placer Losing my senses, with you desmayándote Demon when shameless I see profane location hereje Ángel calmando mi cuerpo sediento Angel to satiate my mouth hamper Ángel anclando mi errant soul Angel at the end of a trip without fin Ángel gives me the welcome in your arms Con éxtasis, tenderness, hermosura Admitting, our affinity and love

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