Ravindranath Kunnath
Ravindranath Kunnath Stained.... Now A conclusion ,always follow My life. Still But with in every breath . In the past Iam not...

Annie Johnson and Ayub Khawar
Annie Johnson and Ayub Khawar The Ocean of Love Love is like a wild ocean And I am the ardent waves, Brimming with love; your body The...

Eva Petropoylou Lianoy
Eva Petropoylou Lianoy Nothing belongs to us We are free We are the captain of our soul.. Nobody can say this or that and you must...

Abdul Matin
Abdul Matin Clouds are fleeting By Poet Matin. Bangladesh. Clouds plays with the sun and the moon, Also with the stars in the distant...

Milka Minkova
Milka Minkova ШТО ОСТАНА..!? Љубов возвишена, од невољи лишена негувана, сакана, чувана со години дарувана. Но, една грешка направи...

Flori Gomboș
Flori Gomboș ÎNVAȚĂ-MĂ SĂ TE STRIG învață-mă să te strig, atunci când frigul te cioplește și îngerii te-aruncă-n lume; te-oi aștepta...

Nguyen Chinh
Nguyen Chinh HÃNH DIỆN NHÉ HOA HỒNG! (Ngày Phụ Nữ Việt Nam) LET BE PROUD! THE ROSES (Vietnamese Women Day) Poetess: HONG NGOC CHAU ...

Carmen Jiménez Martín
Carmen Jiménez Martín A partir de ahora, mi voluntad, junto a mi crecimiento personal, se irá reuniendo con el Centro de mis cualidades...

Prakash Nagarajan
Prakash Nagarajan * A beautiful existence * A mind at peace, a heart content, Through equity, and honourable intent, Blessed in thoughts,...

Vildana Staniśić
Vildana Staniśić MOJ ŽIVOT SI TI Život to je zbir želja , a život moj to si ti . Jer ti si moja jedina želja i inspiracija za svaki...