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Milka Minkova

Milka Minkova


Љубов возвишена, од невољи лишена негувана, сакана, чувана со години дарувана.

Но, една грешка направи збрка тешка. Сето со години градено возвишувано, дарувано, сакано, чувано, за момент го снема.

Црна гламја го зема остана пепел само, што ни во дланка не стои а камо љубовта да опстои.

Се е потемнето, се е во мрак само пепелта дава знак дека постоела љубов разгорена в пламен, а таа грешка, токлу тешка, го пеплосаWHAT'S LEFT ..!?Love sublime,deprived of troublenurtured,beloved,guardeddonated for years.But one mistakemake the mess heavy.Everything built for yearssublime,donated,beloved,stored,he is gone for a moment.Black famine takes itonly ashes remained,which does not even stand in the palm of your handand let love survive.Everything is dark,everything is in the darkonly the ashes give a signthat there was loveblazing in flames,and that mistake,so heavy,he fell to the ground,it ignited all the fervor.Love sublimeremained deprived,not loved,unsaved,ungrateful,Turned to ashesFORGOTTEN. !!!, го витоса сиот жар.

Љубовта возвишена остана лишена, не сакана, нечувана, недарена, Во пепел претворена З А Б О Р А В Е Н А.!!!


Love sublime, deprived of trouble nurtured, beloved, guarded donated for years.

But one mistake make the mess heavy. Everything built for years sublime, donated, beloved, stored, he is gone for a moment.

Black famine takes it only ashes remained, which does not even stand in the palm of your hand and let love survive.

Everything is dark, everything is in the dark only the ashes give a sign that there was love blazing in flames, and that mistake, so heavy, he fell to the ground, it ignited all the fervor.

Love sublime remained deprived, not loved, unsaved, ungrateful, Turned to ashes FORGOTTEN. !!!

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