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Ravindranath Kunnath

Ravindranath Kunnath


Now A conclusion ,always follow My life. Still But with in every breath . In the past Iam not aware of it Thoughts As dansusus Before my inheritant and acquired stages Of wisdom Now, All those dansusus Before me As an suffocating light rays Further Raped And Stained Hey!open the gates See, others open the gate and go on the vast expanse of present time Howlings Instead of echoes Haunting , But no way to get a solace. Stained,thoughts reign every nook and corner of this stage of soil, This is true and wisdom Stain,dirt are immature laziness. Dont think Know,dear thoughts are past episodes of a time,thats ended Live And let live By believing in them It is secure and intact at present Open the gate You ,lost bodies There all pubs ,asylums are open ignoring dawn and dusk Stained thoughts Reign there as driving forces Dont use more words Here Any words and quotes are dressed Dont seek to see the nakedness If you try Sure,an encounter with flames of blood thirsty tongues.

(C)Ravindranath Kunnath.

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تصميم : حيدر الحافظ

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