Laissez moi brûler\George Onsy
Laissez moi brûler LAISSEZ MOI BRÛLER! Un cri de Notre Dame de Paris Laissez moi brûler! Car je ne veux plus continuer Comme un chef...

Masooma Ali
Masooma Ali The way thou painted the nature And poured thy colors in them Take my senses out of me O'beloved, Let me not come out of...

Ravindranath Kunnath\ Spring for the song of life
Ravindranath Kunnath. Spring for the song of life.. High tides mingle with waves of thirsty And in the far away horizon as a fading...

Annie Johnson\ Cosmic Infant
Annie Johnson Cosmic Infant I am a child of the Universe; Born of swirling nebulae. Time and space are my Father and Mother. I am made...

TỐNG THU NGÂN (MIMOSA TÍM) TA VỀ SOI BÓNG MÌNH #ngungontinh_tongthungan Một đời lang bạc kỳ hồ Một mình, một bóng cơ đồ nước mây Ta...

Милка Минкова СЕКОГАШ ЗАЕДНО Со свилен конец, црвен по боја, ја везам љубовта наша. љубовта моја и твоја.. Толку вешто бодовите ги...

Ioan Draga CULOAREA FERICIRII... Lacrima unei stele s-a așezat pe oglinda sufletului meu era lacrimă de dor dulce amăruie, lăsată pe...

Savić Olga\ ~Zvezda~
Savić Olga ~Zvezda~ Dok se tiha večer rađala, žarko je sunce na počinak slala. Na nebu se tada jedna zvezdica pokazala. Sjajnija i veća...

Antonia Rodríguez Ferreiro\ A VECES CUESTIONO
Antonia Rodríguez Ferreiro A VECES CUESTIONO A veces cuestiono ¿por qué? Te has marchado como soplo del viento, fue un instante, fue...

Alby Raymond Parackal\HEART ACHES
Alby Raymond Parackal HEART ACHES........... Heart aches unknown, Hind at times as pain known; How painful strange outgrown, Hitting...