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Jamila Ben

Jamila Ben

Poet : Dr.

Abdeljabbar Choukri

psychologist, sociologist,novelists poet.

Translator: Pr

Jamila Ben

professor of English literature at University Hassan II.

The Cry of Revolution

What is your identity…and your being… ?

My identity…in my being…

My identity…in my process…

My identity…in my eternity…


Unbearable humiliation…

Endless shame…

And…a cry is kneeling…

Upon my chest with all tyranny…

Doesn’t bargain in his existence…

Acry blows up all his existence…

She is the mistress of the weak…

And …their eternal love…


The dignity of the vains…

You water them from chok of the insurrection…

With a soul of resistance…

You offer them a hope in existence..

And joy in life…

From them… you take off the misty cover..

Are you a cry of revolution… !

For God sake who are you… ?

Your matter perplexes me.. !

One time you appear with eternal insistence…

Then you disappear…in the darkness of the pit…

You get no wind nor scent…

To the extent of longing for connection…

And the torture of suffering and disconnection…

Hhhh … ! Iam a cry which you don’t know…


Through my shadows…and effects…

You recognize me…

In hit-and-run…

You recognize me…

I am… the one …to dissipate the mist…All faces…

Hidden behind tyranny…

I suffocate his breath…

I Get down from my mouth… fire valconoes lava..

As a sliding torrent from heights…


In the face every despotism

In the face every bondage..

You take off the roots of slavery from existence »

In the glory of mountains »

And the flattening of plains…

In the sea pluck and delirium

A cry of revolution I am.. !

My identity in my voice.. !!!

In my snarling…and thunderbolting…

I am the cry of revolution…I spread…

I sow humanity plant..

Every where…on earth

On sky…In sea..

I spread its leaves in every house…

Inside feeling…inside the rigid mind…

I pour its nectar…

In every glass…In every jar..

In every cup…

Good news « that is Me… « Cry of revolution »

I befriend every moaning… !

I befriend every suffering..

Hardship of…human being…is my mistress

I am autistic with her…in the depth of my being…

I am autistic with suffering in eternity of my biography.

I dive beneath them…

And sink inside them…to the marrow..

I don’t give up, I don’t recoil and I don’t feel exhausted…

My strength…overcomes stubborness…stiffness…

And agnosticism…

I am the cry which…

Don’t ruminate behind it not a single dot..

Of disappointment…or dispair…to reappear

I reopen every obstructed horizan

I rebuild every breakdown…

I refill with cement…iron and fire…

I don’t commit suicide I don’t commit suicide… What kind of suicide…

Existentialist or ideological..

I move the strings of history…

To weave in his clothes…values of love and peace…

Values of justice..and equity..

To destroy the affluence of class discrimination…

To reject…

The tyranny of oppression and servitude…

To accuse… to condemn…

Every demagogue…

Every metaphysical speech…

Speech of hopefulness

Speech of reliance…and begging

In speech..and belief ..

In laziness…in sleep…

What kind of cry am I.. !!?

The cry of the inevitable destiny »

In your being and existence…

In your suffering and misery..

How to know..

And to feel when…

I flow between your ribs…

And I perforate your fantasies...

Sunday 16 /02/2020

Written by Poet Abdeljabbar Choukri

Translated by Professor Jamila Benabou

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تصميم : حيدر الحافظ

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