I jak miłość\Anna Canić
Anna Canić Poetką jestem średnią, ale czasem zdarzają się wiersze 🙂 I jak miłość Ciągle powtarzam to słowo w Twoim języku którego...

Antonia Rodriguez Ferreiro\ MI AMIGO PUMITA
Antonia Rodriguez Ferreiro MI AMIGO PUMITA. MI AMIGO PUMITA. Mi amigo Pumita, es un pequeño gatito, negro de azabache, lindo, con ojos...

Carmen Jiménez Martín\Brief Writings
Carmen Jiménez Martín Brief Writings Si cada familia trabajadora y honrada pudiera tener una casa digna, como indica la Carta Magna, se...

Милка Минкива\ТАЛКАЧ
Милка Минкива ТАЛКАЧ Талкам низ патеки незнајни, талкам за нежност, за слобода, за живот... Се изморив, во кафезот затворена, ко...

Yazda Ashrafi\Be yourself
Yazda Ashrafi Be yourself don't walk in the footprints of others or will get confused because you are unaware of the ditch on the path ...

Pauls Assyrian\The woman in the poet poem
Pauls Assyrian The woman in the poet poem ------------------------------ How to raise the status of women In the contemporary poem, ...

Ljiljana Hidić Pasarićek\IDI BUDI SRETAN
Ljiljana Hidić Pasarićek IDI BUDI SRETAN ( Fb sjetko) Idi Gdje dan odnosi sve Puštam i tebe Odlazi Nek te odnese Kuda da odeš pitat...

Annie Johnson\Consume Me with Passion and Fire
Annie Johnson Consume Me with Passion and Fire Consume me with passion and fire Inhale me with your every breath. Cradle me in your...

Slavka Bozovic\Remembering the Last Dance
Slavka Bozovic Remembering the Last Dance . . . I remember the events of the old evening, when I agreed to go to the ball with them, ...

Autor Ioan Draga ANOTIMPUL OMENIRII.... Mă întreb, ce suntem noi? Urme de timp sau frunze ce-și cântă efemeritatea? Cântecul unei păsări...