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Stojanka Kovacevic/ Srbia

Stojanka Kovacevic/ Srbia

Odlazim zauvek

Ucim se da zaboravim sapate, dodire... Ucim se da zaboravim ptica poj... Ponornice huk dok u beskraj ponire... I miris pokusavam zaboraviti tvoj.

Ucim se da zaboravim mirise svitanja... Ucim se da zaboravim mog Dunava sum... Tvog oka prodornog da zaboravim pitanja... Jer...predamnom je poslednji drum.

Ucim se da zaboravim smeh dece male... Ucim se da zaboravim livade I njive... Sve snegove mirisne u nevremenu pale... I strasti s tobom... sto zivot su mi bile.

Ucim se da zaboravim...da poziveh kratko... Ucim se da zaboravim...koliko ljubim celi svet... Da... ziveti je lepo, drago i slatko... Al' spremna sam, poslednji let...

Stojanka Kovacevic Srbija I'm leaving forever I'm learning to forget whispers, touches ... I'm learning to forget the birds sing ... The sinkholes roar as it sinks to infinity ... And the scent I'm trying to forget is yours. I'm learning to forget the smells of dawn ... I'm learning to forget my Danube sum ... Your eye piercing to forget the questions ... Because ... the last road is in front of me. I'm learning to forget the laughter of small children ... I'm learning to forget meadows and fields ... All the snow smelling of bad weather is falling ... And the passions with you ... were my life. I'm learning to forget ... to call briefly ... I'm learning to forget ... how much I love the whole world ... Yes ... living is beautiful, sweet and sweet ... But I'm ready, here ... for the last flight ... Stojanka Kovacevic Serbia


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