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Echoes of the Day Condemning Violence against Women Against Domestic Violence-From a Wife to Her Husband TO MY TORTURER WITH LOVE …

O you, who I’ve given All my life to, Are you still my ‘YOU’?! Whenever you hit me, Just know one thing, I wish you had done it With a whip of fire But not … not with My bleeding heart That only your love And care would desire. O you, who once Was my only ‘YOU’, Just keep in mind That a day will come When this very heart Will bleed tears At your bed of illness When your fist of oppression is nothing But a supplicant hand. Yes, this very heart Will have no more fears At your gloomy tomb When your arm of violence Covered with rust Will find nothing to hold But a cold hug-full Of lifeless dust.

GeorgeOnsy-Egypt©copyright2020 From the International Anthology, AGAINST DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, compiled by Dr Shamenaz Sheikh, India. With a combination of my painting, WOMEN IN AGONY (1984) and detail, in the background, from my painting depicting the human being suffering change (1979).


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