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Eva Petropoylou Lianoy

Eva Petropoylou Lianoy

Eva was born in Xylokastro Greece. She initially loved journalism so in 1994 she worked as a journalist in the French newspaper "Le LIBRE JOURNAL" but in 2002 her love for Greece won her heart and returned back.

She published books and ebooks: “I and my other self. My shadow ” /Saita Publications, "Zeraldin and The elf of the lake" in Italian and French as well as the bilingual book in English and Greek “The daughter of the Moon” is in its 4rth printing by Ocelotos Publishing. Her work is mentioned in the Greek awarded encyclopedia for Poets and authors, Harry Patsi, p. 300.

The Ministry of Education of Cyprus has included her books in the school curriculum. Her new books "The water Amazon fairy called Myrtia" (2019) is dedicated to a handicapped girl and the translation of Stories of Lafcadio Hearn is about "Fairytravel with stories from the Far East"(2019), illustrated by the famous Suma painter Ntina Anastasiadou. Eva also participates in the Tri-Anthology on nature (LuzDelMes- U.S. 2019) with environmental poems in Haiku.

She is a member of the “Association of authors and artists of Pireas. Greece

and “ International Association of artists and writers”.



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