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Annie Johnson-USA\ Intemperate Soul

Annie Johnson-USA

Intemperate Soul
Oh, intemperate soul thirsting for joy, Gulping from the fountain of love While swimming in a pool of desire. The feel of a single drop of dew Multiplied, intensity mounting In an ocean of emotion, running Like the endless waves, washing Sands of memory and fading dreams Polished and tumbling, like shells Under the weight of the Moon In the depths of a boundless sea. Upon the surface a calmness, not felt In the belly of the whales that sing Love songs from great distances calling, Imperceptible to the ear, on a desert wind. Intemperate soul you drink the sun And tread the moonlit shadows of night On starlit paths bearing ever homeward To the sanctuary of love’s accounting Floating in the misty eons of his eyes.
Annie Johnson


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تصميم : حيدر الحافظ

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