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Alby Raymond Parackal

Alby Raymond Parackal


Fantasy tuned whimsical, in speculative mindset, For tuning physically fit body's suits, worthy inset; Framed by family and friends, as purely on verset, Frankly activate brilliant ideas emerging at outset!

Frame of love, lodged in breathe, finds it's lockset, Far and wide awake, every now and then, in onset; Forges teams, of workable resources for quickset, Forming path ways plain in forward moves russet!

Famished, for love human, collapses in somerset, Fanciful imagery setfoth, dreamy curious backset; Farce movement unknown to heart's hearty upset, Farcical onslaught on unassailable tenor of corset!

Fast and loose, sense awkward, trends on typeset, Fastidious in acknowledging truths in it's thickset; Fascinating facts, within any, truthful ways keyset, Fathomless spirit, splendid,strives retain as offset! ....................................................................................... ©®Alby Raymond Parackal


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