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Due to busy in works these days, I hadn’t logged in FB for a long time to greet all my friends. And how’re you my dear friend? Everything in the world alive has the reason indeed. For the current situations, although the epidemic and all kinds of bad things have always existed, I’m still sorry to tell those dark things: All kind people’s hope is always good and happy. As a Chinese, I regarded all the people in the world who are willing to make friends with me as friends. So dear friend, my greeting today, I wish you happiness forever in simple, this is the eternal theme of life that I believe too.

The Winter Sunlight

By James Tian

The sunlight in winter nestled gently on our shoulders, All the relief divided the sadness, And everything seems like in silent indeed.

Looking outside the windows and add a few more gorgeous touches. Forgetting about the severe cold and put on a new outfit, Oh let’s go and look for the joys.

Or some sorrows will in our life, To the lost place, No wonder all look forward to flying freely with it. The space had been transformed into the ordinary, How could we make up for it again without cherishing the sceneries?

It’s rare to have passionate the sunlight in the four seasons, A different kind of hospitality in winter, Just waiting for someone who wants to collect it.

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