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Amb Vildana Stanišić

Amb Vildana Stanišić


I met a man who laughs with his eyes instead of his lips. I met a man whom life did not caress. In a mass of people, a real man of happiness is seldom seen for the world has become the abode of those who don't care about other people's happiness. I met a man who hides a bloody wound under his shirt. A man whom life has never caressed. Despite everything, he helps people and sincerely laughs from the heart. While the backs of his knives are full which false friends killed without shame. I met a man who is born once, a real man without malice and flaws. I met how it is called a real human being in my Bosnia. Well, then how can I not be happy and that I do not thank God every day because when you have a friend like this with you your enemies can do nothing to you. I met a man I love and whom I admire with all my heart, and from that day on I only pray to God that he lives long in health and happiness. Because when he's happy, then I am happy too. I met a man which is a gift from God to me.

Amb Vildana Stanišić

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