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Vildana Stanišić

Vildana Stanišić


Ma , idem ja dušo , dosta mi je svega , prilično umorna već sam dosta dugo . Shvatam da došla su teška vremena i da sreća mijenja se sa tugom .

Ma , idem ja dušo , već je dosta kasno , znam ništa novo ti nemaš za reći . A bilo je nekad' i nama krasno , dok k'o klinci maštasmo o zajedničkoj sreći .

Ma , idem ja dušo , sve se potrošilo , oko nas sada monotonija vlada . Nisi više onaj lik iz mojih snova , a ni ja više nisam tako mlada .

Dvadeset godina kao treptaj prođe , dvadeset godina , našega braka . I dok dlanom o dlan udariš , srebrna nit kose nam išara .

Ma , idem ja dušo malo odmorit , u drugu sobu ja idem spavat . Sutra će se opet isti dan ponovit , kao po šablonu mi živimo sada .

Vildana Stanišić

MA, I'M GOING, Honey

Well, I'm going, honey, I've had enough of everything, I've been pretty tired for quite some time. I realize that hard times have come and that happiness changes with sadness.

Well, I'm going, honey, it's getting late, I know you have nothing new to say. And it used to be wonderful for us too, while as kids we fantasized about mutual happiness.

Well, I'm going baby, it's all spent, around us now monotony reigns. You're not the character of my dreams anymore, and I'm not that young anymore.

Twenty years pass in the blink of an eye, twenty years, of our marriage. And as you strike palm to palm, the silver thread of our hair is streaked.

Ma, I'm going to rest a baby, to another room I go to sleep. It will be the same again tomorrow, as per the pattern we live in now.

Vildana Stanišić

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