Ravindranath Kunnath
Ravindranath Kunnath
Love story..
The lover walking.. Destination,unknown to him and his dreams.. He is walking.. He was walking He walks without bruiseing the soil,marshes Or deserts and wastelands Seas,rivers,hills and deserts with his feets. He is walking Stars and seasons Days and nights Defeated before him. He is a lover Thats all and that is enough for his story. Sun shines He knows its the fire without any cover of fragile ashes that give a moment ,darkness. He knows And want to know.. And embrace And to sink deep into his lovers ever , Un-known vistas of charming wisdom. He is walking When he move onto more distances he chants And they were far ,far away from those sad and joyful non-existent sounds Love is the only constant for all breathes. He is walking He was walking And always been walking Its the legacy Its beyond ths sphere of all histories. His love And the unseen lover In search for the lover He walks.. Stars and winds follow him But the sun glitter as he.... He is walking.
(C)Ravindranath Kunnath.