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Annie Johnson

Annie Johnson

Painting: Transition by Derrick Senior

Mind Springs

My mind springs from a soul steeped in misty ages; Sparkling like sun-glinting off the rivers of time. I speak endless words across snowy white pages; Thoughts like arias are written in words that rhyme.

In the deep well of my soul, time stands still. Clocks do not exist in such a fathomless place. Life’s symphony empties and its fountains refill With crescendos that flow into infinite space.

Blessed is the passing of time when the soul sings. The mind transcribes what the soul dictates somehow. When time’s holy goad drives the mind’s mad flings Laughter clears away the debris like a golden plow.

Annie Johnson

اخر المنشورات

تصميم : حيدر الحافظ

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