Annie Johnson
Annie Johnson
Happy-Go-Lucky Fool
Fools are born in hard labor The same as the wise; And haplessly endure life In a merry fashion without worry. The wise, on the other hand, Carry responsibility for life That fools in reckless abandon Cannot fathom; they’re blind. Work, to a fool, is a way to earn bread; To the wise it is a way to contribute To a more comfortable existence For the betterment of mankind – Even for fools who have no vision Beyond each daily breath. Pity? For the fool? Nay! They don’t know they are fools. Pity would be wasted on them. Pity the wise who strive and strive To bring the world to enlightenment When it is filled with fools Who care not for a better world, But live from moment to moment With no concept of a dying earth.
Annie Johnson