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Amb Vildana Stanišić

Amb Vildana Stanišić


Dobro veče , gospodine Lucifer došli ste po mene , ah to znam , a da li ste možda pomislili želim li sa Vama poći ja .

Izvinite , gospodine Lucifer o mom se životu valjda nešto pitam i ja , ne , još ne mogu sa Vama poći , još svojoj priči ne ispisah kraj .

Ne ljutite se gospodine dragi , ma znam ja dobro ko ste Vi, i znam da jednom tim putem htjeli - ne htjeli krećemo svi .

Da , gospodine Lucifer možda se vidimo neki drugi put , život vam je podatna glina koju točak sudbine vrti u krug .

I oblikuje je po svojoj želji bez pitanja šta ko od nas želi .

Doviđenja , gospodine u crnom bez mene krenite Vi noći ove , drugim putem noćas krećem ja , brod kojim plovim " NADA " se zove .


Good evening, Mr. Lucifer you came for me, ah I know that, and did you perhaps think do I want to go with you.

Excuse me, Mr. Lucifer I guess I'm wondering something about my life, no, I can't go with you yet, I haven't finished my story yet.

Don't be angry, dear sir, I know very well who you are, and I know that once that way whether we wanted to or not we all set off.

Yes, Mr. Lucifer maybe see you another time, life is a pliable clay to you

which the wheel of destiny spins in a circle.

And he shapes it to his liking without asking what any of us wants.

Goodbye, sir in black without me you go tonight, I'm going the other way tonight, the ship I sail on is called “HOPE”.

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