Ravindranath Kunnath
Ravindranath Kunnath
Darkdays before end...
That was a day Among darkest days of the last season A reveloutionary mystic Without loosing the innocent glow Tried to release white winged birds From the cages , Once they were the unsung prophets Of freedom and love The cages all hung opposite to the horizon And down ward to the chained paths.. It was his dream For its realization he under took great penance By chanting holy hymns in soul Because Lone sounds are ended at that time. But He saw the dead bodies of white winged birds, Still enshined witb the glow of the foregone days.
A group, Roam around the places were the humans waiting And beating their colourless bodies On the unbreakable walls of failure The group,roam with fans of destruction to awake the last flood of fire That was their thought And that was their epicurian madness They slaughter the orphans of life It wll continoue still that colourness bodies Realize the strength and hymns of freedom
It was his dream Alaways Why they neglect the dream on the days of treacherous springs.
(C)Ravindranath Kunnath