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Masooma Ali

Masooma Ali

A collaborated poem by poet Shahid Abbas and Masooma Ali.

"Love's Purity"

When every word is love

How is it possible

The tongue speaks deceit

When the chest heaves

From a heavy heart

Can you speak of love's purity

Redeem me

in my suffering

Vindicate me

in an unspoken covenant

Forgive my iniquity

aspiring to fly to angels

I plummet in free fall to earth

with the mighty heft of stone

Point to the new reality

Turn to me in gratitude

I am lonely


Remorse imprisons

Release me from anguish

Look kindly upon my distress

Set my heart at rest

Let me not drop into the pit

Where lies deep shame

In you is my refuge

You protect me

In your promise is my hope

Redeem me

A lost man stumbling

Mumbling words of despair

I surrender my anguish to you

Ecstasy and joy my sole rewards

My trouble sacrificed at your feet

Dance me to the moon

And please never ask why.....

Shahid Abbas©


“Love’s Purity”

What is it

That has disguised me into a particle,

A very light and a tiny particle?

It’s something so far

From the weighs of distress or envies

Its something that keep my body alive

And my soul drunk and keep it dancing

With the rhythm of this moving rays in me

I’m lost in a different world

A world of beauty

It is so like

The essence of God

Like the fragrance of compassion

Like the daffodil of peace

It keep me drowning in wonders

That how can a tiny particle

Stays alive after hitting

The heaviest storms of

Deceits and envies?

What is it?

Is it a miracle?

Is it a magic?

Or is it the purity of Love

That keep me blind

From the gloomy hues of

Hatred, envy and destructions?

Whence wind of love whispers my ears

It’s the spirit and purity of Love

A particle of God

So beautiful and so light

That turns oneself into

A roaming stardust

and keeps leaving its particles

Everywhere it passes.

اخر المنشورات

تصميم : حيدر الحافظ

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