Annie Johnson
Annie Johnson
Photo: Inside A Dream by George Grie.
Comes the Time of Future Past
Comes the time of future past
Hanging like a stray thread
From the worn cloth of life.
The tally of dreams weigh
Heavy on the list of loves
Fading from the sheet
Of memory’s glossy wonder.
Long past is the yearning
Of the heart and soul of love
For equal chances in the court
Of destiny’s come-hither face.
Oh, the smiling faces of the past
Silently haunt me in midnight’s
Wakeful, sweat-drenched dreams.
Laughter echoing down the corridors
Of life’s endless wandering -
Seems ghostly real like clocks ticking,
Then chiming in the next room.
Life’s banquet has been served
On the table of the soul’s delight
And remnants of the heady wine
Cling to the lip prints on the glass
And its sweetness lingers on the tongue
As the symphony of life slowly fades
And the conductor rests his baton
On the music stand of eternity
As the chords of life fade away.
Annie Johnson