Savic Olga-My kitten

Savic Olga
~ My kitten ~
I had a little kitten, it was always waiting for me faithfully. Wherever I go, wherever I come at the gate of the old house, a sweet creature is waiting for me to give me his little paws. I was a girl then, I was always looking forward to the machete and smiling.
His mother fed him, gave him milk, when he was sick, there was fear in my heart, but he healed my kitten and still meows. She grew into a big kitten, she gave birth to a lot of small kittens. Old age has taken over, including illness. My kitty got sick, left me and left. No one is meowing at the gate of my house anymore. The house is empty today, it has taken the tooth of time, my soul often returns to those past, happy times.