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True Love\ Yazda Ashrafi from Asia

Yazda Ashrafi from Asia

Pleased to be part of the mission uniting world through ink and empowering the women's power worldwide.Wow this time sharing my ink with so many renowned and esteemed poetess from different continents.

True Love

Love is magnificent feeling can't be touched can't be explained

Bird building nest by carrying straw from far away to lay eggs I see the true love

Mother kissing the new born baby I see the true love

Small brother sharing his last chocolate by cutting half from his teeth for sister I see true love

Families praying And eating together I see true love Peace like water Calms each trouble I see the true love

Divine energy trembles over the mountains, above the Rose valley and the Thracian kings. We are on our way home. Kind people are talking with love for our homeland, the planet Earth. They think he's happy, they say he has a nice smile. But no one sees pain and insecurity, and his heart of gold ... My father is so strong that no one notices. But he secretly wants the happiness for me that others have received, the hero doesn't give up on me ...

My heroes, why am I going through fire ?! My heroes, give me the strength I need, the power I don't have, I have to survive ...

His smile is so gentle, it’s not cold and it’s not made of stone. Who speaks to him, who he teaches him that he hopes I get my small happines that his little girl won't be alone? My hero, who is always there for me, and when things are not so pretty, they can handle the whole world and have a big smile!

Until then, the fight goes on, the hero says: "Love is strange and part of the legacy, Careful with her, I gave birth to that!

Two people celebrating their 50 years anniversary is true love .When a baby look at his mother while shebreast feeding him

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