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Ravindranath Kunnath\The

Ravindranath Kunnath

The ...

Without end The wisdom.

An absurd narration,I quote; I dream My soul is a garland Around the wisdom Without end.

As a rational being I tried to re-write The narration Of my friend,who pretend always As a drunkard of known wisdoms.

Why my friend If the wisdom lay without ends How it is possible Dear,really soul is a symbol To denote this wisdom Without ends.

Just like a real drunkard You divide the soul and the wisdom without ends.

It is the place to stop my sojourn with all of you... Go ahead,

You know this But dont know its truth. You know,the wisdom without ends, Is within us... You call it soul It is duality It is not good for us.

We look at the stars But Dont see the wisdom On The soil of us.

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