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Chandan Bhattacharya- India " An appeal from the East to West".

Chandan Bhattacharya- India.

" An appeal from the East to West".

We live in the East. Our total population is one hundred And thirty billion. Most of our people are poor. People of different languages Different religions Different idiologies Live in our country. Yet there is unity in abundance And oneness in diversity. Although the number of people Consumed day by day is high, They still trust the rulers. Netaji, the great leader of our country, Was able to tell the people To liberate the country, "Give me blood and I'll give you freedom." Thousands of people responded to his call Giving blood and sacrificing their lives. As a result, our country Became independent. He knew that our country Was very poor. And there is a benefit to being poor. The poor earn money to survive. Wealth does not survive for money. So they are very patriotic. So they responded to "lock down" Upon hearing the state announcement. Twenty-one days, twenty-one nights, They will confront the "Corona Virus" From being voluntarily imprisoned In their homes. And they are drinking hot water At least four times a day. Because all of them know About Indian Ayurveda Through the country and the states. It is also known that drinking Hot drinks four times a day No virus can survive inside the throat. Can't even breed. Even in limited capacity Our country and states Are seeking medical care As well as delivering food items at home. So our firm belief, "We shall overcome". You are a much better than we are. You are much richer. Why do you neglect so many lives? Why are we seeing the hill of death In your countries? Are you worth more than your own life, wealth, wealth and money? Are you our mother, father, Brother, sister .... nobody? If you think we are your relatives...... If you think we are very close to you .... Then keep our request. Pray to you, beg to you ... Voluntarily confine yourself To your home .... And drink hot water At least four times a day. You will see .... You'll see..... Your precious lives will be saved ..... The horrible corona virus will escape.

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