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I Am

Annie Johnson

I Am

Mine is the whispering voice lingering on the outskirts of time; The voice of the Morning Dove cooing in the pouring rain. I am the invisible air swirling around hummingbird wings; The prayer rising into the cosmos on the breath of pious thoughts. I am the muted melody of the flute haunting the ears of dreams. I am the silent majesty of dandelion cathedrals rising in silence On the wind of fairy-like seeds, scattering to the four-winds, Taking root in the concrete sidewalks of a city’s summer heat. I am the pervading mist of morning in the nooks and crannies of life; Evaporating in the morning sun, taking with it the secrets of night. I am the echoes of childish laughter from the playgrounds of infinity Curling around stars and sliding down moonbeams to touch the earth. I am the love-thoughts rising into the vaulted ceilings above bridal beds; Whispered in the ears of lovers for eons, ending on lips of silence. I am the dewy chants of love notes from June’s tender mouth; The circlet of Daisies crowning the fragrant tendrils of her hair. I am the voice of love whispering to you in moments of quiet solitude. I am the swirling snowflakes of winter melting as they touch your face; The plaintive voice of love’s frozen soliloquy never to be heard again

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